Can We Ask For Anything In God’s Name?

If you ask Me (Jesus) anything in My Name [as My representative], I will do it. 📖‭‭ John‬ ‭14.14‬ ‭AMP‬‬

As with many things in the Bible, this is not a blanket statement that applies to literally “anything.” There are conditions for it to be true. The full context of this statement by Jesus is explained in the next chapter:

“If you remain in Me (Jesus) and My words remain in you [that is, if we are vitally united and My message lives in your heart], ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.” 📖 John‬ ‭15.7‬ ‭AMP‬

The pre-qualifier of “ask anything in My name” is that we are ‘in Him,’ and His Word (His truth, including His will/desire) is ‘in us.’ Meaning that when such conditions are true (His will/desire being in us), whatever we ask will [by default] be an expression of His desire. Because we’re in Him and His Word and desires are active in us.

And as the amplified translation in John 14.14 clarifies, this means we will be asking as His representative. We are not asking as God’s representative if we are acting in a manner that contradicts His will and way of doing things.

For example: As a representative of my company, it’s my obligation (and hopefully, desire) to act in the best interest of my employer. As God’s representatives, we [should] never ask and pray for things that are contrary to His nature and HIS WILL, especially knowingly. And God’s specific will for a specific situation can vary.

Another example: It’s God’s will that we be healed (Isaiah 53.4-5). But it may not be God’s will that we be healed right now or in the way/time that we would want.

What Does This Mean?

Asking *anything* in the Father’s name simply means tuning into the Father’s heart and asking what He wants to hear. When we pray according to God’s will [and Scripture], we’ll see the Father’s heart pleased and our prayers answered as an overflow.