Is The Bible Just Historical And Irrelevant For Today?

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
📖 Hebrews 4.12 NLT

The Bible is not a history book, a self-help book, or a book of clever, pithy sayings to help us turn over a new leaf. The Bible consists of God’s Word, which is timeless, living, and just as compelling and current as when it was written.

In it contains God’s original plan, how things got corrupted, and His blueprint for the redemption of all things through His Son, Jesus.

Some say that its teachings are archaic or that they no longer fit our culture. The best way to expose the error with that line of thinking, and to demonstrate its relevance is by LIVING the truth of God’s Word. We do this by loving Him well and loving our neighbors well in how we serve them, pray for them, and live out our faith before them.

Truly, the power of the Gospel meets us at the point of our deepest confusion and at the height of our loftiest ideals.

Originally published by Detroit Church.

Biblical References

  • 2 Peter 1.19-21
  • Psalm 33.11
  • Hebrews 4.12
  • Isaiah 55.10-11; 40.8

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