God Shows Us On The Way There

When they bring you before the synagogues and the magistrates and the authorities, do not be worried about how you are to defend yourselves or what you are to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. 📖 Luke 12.11-12
The life in Christ revolves around Him. And even for those that don’t acknowledge Christ, He’s still the center of all life.
I’m sure we’ve all been in situations like here in Luke 12 where we’re wondering, what will I say when I get there? How am I supposed to handle that situation? How should I respond? I’m a person that likes to have it all planned out. I leave some room for spontaneity but I need to know where we’re landing.
The disciples are getting ready for a confrontation unlike they’ve ever had, and it’s intimidating – to say the least. Of course, it’s just like Jesus to reassure them ahead of time. God doesn’t send us just to leave us. He cares for us and is FOR US — not against us (His children).
The very center of a Christ-filled life is a Christ-led life. He wants us to be led by Him, to be dependent upon Him for our very being. We were created for this and everything in creation speaks and points to dependence on Him.
Just like here in Luke 12, there are many times when God will not give us the answers upfront. He won’t show us 5 steps ahead, He’ll just give us the next step and say, ‘go and I’ll lead you.’ He tells the disciples to go before the authorities and then He will lead them in what to say.
He was teaching them a lesson in dependence on Him. He was teaching them how to follow Him and not get ahead of Him, how to trust Him, and how to obey Him. He was teaching them that He is fully in control even when things seem out of control. He was taming their potential pride, because how could you be prideful when you’re dependent on someone for your very next step, and even how to get out of a situation that could cost you greatly?
The Holy Spirit will teach you/show you what to say in that very hour… Let that sink in. Sometimes God shows us what to do beforehand. Sometimes after (oh, this sucks too). But sometimes He doesn’t show us until we’re in it – in the thick of it too. Like Daniel and the Hebrew boys in the lion’s den, sometimes God doesn’t show up and move until we’re *in it.* He may be early or late from our vantage point, but He’s always on time.
There are some things we won’t see until we’re in it. Until we’re in that moment or on that stage. That isn’t a license to be careless and unprepared with our craft or responsibilities. It just means that sometimes we won’t see or make sense of things until we start walking toward the assignment or goal. Our job is to stay close to the Father with our hearts, eyes, and ears open so that we can be led and receive.
God is always speaking, so we must always be listening. And He wants us, *He wants us,* to be dependent on Him. He’ll show us the way, even if it’s just the next step, when we’re on the way.
Certainty In Uncertainty: When God Says Go
Enjoy this sermon inspired by the blog, God Shows Us On The Way There…

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