God’s Aim Is Always To Redeem

The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. 📖 2 Peter 3.9 AMP
It’s interesting how seemingly every generation feels like we’re in the “last days.” But yet, here we are. In the grand scheme of things, this is true (2 Timothy 3.1-5, 2 Peter 3.3-4).
When will Jesus return? When will all of this end? Why is He taking so long? These are questions that many Christians have to confront. While don’t know when, we do know that God is patient and long-suffering. He wants all of humanity to be saved (accepting Him as Savior) and is giving us the opportunity to do that now.
Though the days are long, the years are truly short. Life is, as the Scriptures say, like a mere vapor (James 4.14) — here today, gone tomorrow.
What seems like God is taking such a long time, from generation to generation, is not really long in the grand scheme. He exists outside of time and eternity has no limits. What seems long to us in this life is not the same for Him.
While we wait and prepare in this life, we can rest in knowing that God’s patience is good [for us] and His timing is perfect. The time to repent and the time to do good is always right now.
Thank God that we have a Savior who doesn’t want to lose anyone and yet gives everyone the opportunity to choose Him. He comes to redeem.
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