God’s Presence Within Us

But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness,… Galatians 5.22 AMP
It’s often said that if you want to judge whether or not something is good or right, ask yourself, does it produce the fruit of the Spirit? Or better yet, does it allow you to produce the fruit of the Spirit?
As the amplified translation beautifully illustrates, the fruit of the Spirit is the result of God’s presence within us. What are you doing to attract or repel the presence of God in your life?
To be clear, God is always present (Proverbs 15.3, Psalm 139.7-10). And upon receiving Jesus as the Savior of our life, He comes to live in us (Ephesians 1.13).
But the degree to which we dwell in Him, in His will and ways, pursuing His heart; and to the degree that we permit Him to be the authority in our lives — this the result of His presence [operating] within us.
John 15.4-11 describes this as bearing good fruit as a result of our connection to the Father. In other words, the fruit comes when we let God be God. And He’s always Goddin’.
By choice of our free will, God will allow us to choose to reject His operating in us. Like any other relationship, we can choose to push Him out. Yes, we can attract or repel the almighty presence of God in our lives.
This is important to beware of because a successful life rises and falls on His presence being within us — allowing Him to move and operate as He wills.
How Do We Get More of God In Our Life?
The only way to get more of God [and His presence] in our lives is to simply spend time with Him. Welcoming His presence means welcoming the things that He loves. And of course, hating the things that He hates.
Where God is present and submitted to — fruit follows.
What Are The Fruits of The Spirit?
Here’s what God promises when we welcome and submit to His presence within us.
Love is choosing someone’s highest good. It’s our unselfish concern for others, for their good, and what value we can add to their lives.
A great sense of pleasure within that is not dependent on outside circumstances. Happiness is circumstantial. We can have happy and sad days. But joy goes beyond and keeps eternal in view (we are saved and love in Jesus).
Not external peace, but inner peace — regardless of the external circumstances of life. Peace is not the absence of chaos, but God’s presence with and assurance within us.
Patience is not the ability or act of waiting, but our attitude and character in how we act while we’re waiting. How we wait is an indicator of our spiritual maturity. And sometimes God has to give us a “not yet” to grow us up. Waiting is also our witness to the watching world. It’s seed for the future fruit that will be produced in our lives. How we wait matters.
Kindness is a demonstration of our love. Gracefulness, giving the benefit of the doubt, and being nice are just some of the ways that we extend kindness to others by demonstrating our love.
Good is that which triumphs over evil. Good is favorable character and giving that which is suitable for the cause or desire.
Being faithful is holding to that which is true, honorable, and worthy — God, our Source. The best gift that we can give God is our love through obedience.
God’s With You
The fruit of the Spirit that we should desire for our lives is the result of God’s presence with and within us.
And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1.21-22
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