In Dependence On Him

Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. 📖 Colossians 3.17 NASB2020
We know that we’re supposed to do everything in or with God, but what does that really mean? This is a popular verse many of us have heard and used. Looking at it closer from the amplified translation underscores some important context:
“Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on Him], giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” 📖 Colossians 3.17 AMP
And in dependence on Him… This note isn’t part of the original manuscript but communicates its intention. We can be very good at doing things in God’s name; accomplishing this and that for God. But we aren’t always so great at doing it in dependence on Him. In fact, we like to be very independent at times: ‘Look at what I did for God.’
But God cares less about us doing great things in His name and much more about looking to Him and abiding in Him. What good are our works if we do them apart from Him? Nothing in Creation operates outside of God’s sustainment. He holds it all together. Even the parts we can’t see and understand.
Staying Connected
Our dependence on Him acknowledges this order and should give us a reverence that allows Him to lead in and be Lord over our lives. God doesn’t make us dependent on Him because He needs to feel needed. He does this for our benefit. Just as cell phones go wherever they go and perform all the functions they do, and yet they still require a connection to the tower – so it is with us that we remain connected to our Strong Tower.
“I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.” 📖 John 15.5 AMP
Our dependence on God helps us stay true to who He is with a focus and pursuit of His desires rather than creating something that doesn’t bear His image. Knowing this, Satan will even tempt us to act independently from God and His agenda (Luke 4.3-4).
God doesn’t just sit at the top of the ladder in our lives, He is the spoke of the wheel that holds it all together. He leads, we follow. He doesn’t want us to do things independently of Him, He wants us to do all things in dependence on Him; with and reverencing Him as the provider and keeper of it all.
The greatest gift we can give God is giving Him back the life He’s given us, including anything He’s entrusted us with. And we can’t do that apart from Him.
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