In That Order

Let my [mournful] cry come before You, O LORD; Give me understanding [the ability to learn and a teachable heart] according to Your word [of promise]. Let my supplication come before You; Deliver me according to Your word. Psalms 119:169-170 AMP
It’s true that how we approach a thing, the order and manner, can reveal our true motive of heart. When it comes to God, our manner will usually reveal what or who we’re really after.
The psalmist David illustrates this beautifully in his supplication (prayer request) to God. Notice how David asked for understanding, a teachable heart, a d according to God’s standard (His Word) before he makes his need and request.
Order is important here because it paints a picture of David’s motive. He asks for understanding, acknowledging God as the Author and Giver, while also remembering the promise of God.
We often make requests of God apart from the understanding and teachability that accompanies it. But a heart of humility says ‘give me understanding, first. Don’t just do it God, but teach me.’
It puts God in the driver’s seat even before we ask. Not only does David approach with a desire to understand and be teachable, but He approaches with faith, “according to Your Word of promise.”
Surely whatever God promises, He is good for. Especially when we come correct.
A Prayer For Today
Lord, give us understanding — first. Let us not just be askers but active and willing participants. Give us discerning hearts and minds to know what to ask, how, and when, according to Your great will. In Jesus’ Name.
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